Invariably everything to have structure must have rules, guidelines or regulations behind it. Although we may not like them they are a necessity; especially with a society such as ours.
However we do have the opportunity to change our rules as we develop and mature through our own governance.
We openly encourage our members to challenge the rules we have control over, to improve the society and take us forward.
Motions for rule changes can be submitted electronically or in writing to the league secretary and have to be proposed and seconded by current member clubs.
They must be submitted at least seven weeks prior to the AGM to give time for them to be circulated to the membership for consideration (Rules 9 & 10).
Any later than this date will necessitate them being held over until the following AGM. Submission of a proposal is to be made by the relevant team secretary. Access to electronic form is via Login link on Admin Corner page.
As proposals / motions of amendment are received they will be added to the list below.
The list will not just hold new proposals but some of those that have been submitted and processed (see status on each entry).
These are displayed for general record purposes and as an aide memoir to members. Older proposals will eventually be removed to minimise data. All new entries will be added to the beginning of the list.